
viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

Task 1
My “critical” friend states that our urn is very complete. Yhaaaay ! ! !
Never the less, some elements are missing, some of those include:
  • The river: and the corresponding town, in the poem Mr. Keats wrote "What little town by river or sea shore", my partner pointed out this was missing.
  •  Mountains and little town: this peaceful images are missing too, our urn is limited to other appearances and there is less nature, this means that we added less of the elements of nature present in the poem.
  • Flowers: we only had leafs, that was basically the only signs of nature we had, the flowers are missing too.

a)  I believe the element that was easier for me to understood, and therefor y understand the most were all the images, poetry is hard for me to understand, and when images are given, such as in this case, visual and auditory.
For example the sweet melodies that the pipes produce.
The metaphors as well, metaphors are great resources, for example the two lovers that can never be together, is a metaphor of Mr. Keats an Fanny relationship.


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